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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Neighbors (2014)

8.5 Popcorn boxes

This is another Seth Rogen vehicle and as usual, he's raunchy and funny.  This time around, he plays Mac Redner, who with his wife Kelly (Rose Bryne) and baby girl Stella live in a nice, two story home in a nice part of Southern California.

Mac and Kelly's neighbors have moved out, and the home is sold.  They're shocked and dismayed to learn that a fraternity is moving in.  (This must be everyone's nightmare.)  But they have to deal with it, since no one is going to buy a house next door to a frat house.

Mac and Kelly decide to be cool and introduce themselves to the Greeks.  It goes pretty well, but soon, the noise level escalates to the point they can't sleep.  The fraternity president invites the 'old guys' to their party, and Mac and Kelly relive their youth by mixing it up with the younger college kids.

One thing leads to another, and bad blood between the two ensues, and a war breaks out between the old and new generation, until the final confrontation occurs one late spring night.

If you've seen a Seth Rogen film, you know what to expect.  There is a lot of course language and risque behavior.  There's simulated sex, topless women (and men), and a fair amount of bad behavior exhibited by all concerned.  I found it hilarious. 

Rated R for language, sexual content, and frequent drug use

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